Competition regulations
The Faculty of Communications, Media, and Design of the Higher School of Economics and the WakeUp project team have teamed up to research the development and branding of territories, the work of local communities and identifying local leaders. As part of this work, we are organizing a Visionary Competition "Territory of the Future 2030".

We know that most villages, towns, small towns and even urban areas in Russia do not look like places where you can develop yourselves. Active youth, potential leaders of change, go to megacities for education and work, and do not return. Territorial development projects are often devoid of the most important link — an energetic, educated and, most importantly, a local leader.

We assume that those who once left their small homeland for a big city, at least once thought about possible changes in their native places. As part of the Competition, we offer to voice these ideas of changes and get the opportunity to implement them. By submitting a simple application, participants join the consultation program, create a viable project and present it to experts involved in real-world spatial development work.

Applications are accepted until May 20, 2020.
The contest website
General regulations
  1. This Regulation defines the procedure for organizing and conducting the Competition and evaluating Competitive projects.
  2. The Competition is organized By the Faculty of communications, media and design of the Higher school of Economics and the WakeUp Project group.
  3. The Competition is open to citizens of the Russian Federation who have submitted applications in accordance with the terms of participation of this Regulation and submitted within the established time frame Competitive projects in three categories: "Strategy", "Creative", and "Science Fiction".
  4. Requirements for Competitive projects, as well as their evaluation, comply with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
  5. Competition projects are evaluated by the Competition Commission (Jury), a temporary specially authorized body with the participation of experts in the field of territorial development, teachers and partners of HSE.
  6. Information about the Competition and its results is available on the websites and
Goal and objectives
Competition goal: To promote the development of potential change leaders for small towns, rural areas, and urban areas.

Objective of the competition:
  1. To find potential leaders of change for small towns, rural areas, and urban areas from active, qualified youth with experience of living both in and out of a major city;
  2. To identify new methods and technologies, as well as concepts that will be implemented over the next 10 years and have a high potential for implementation in the field of territorial development;
  3. To create conditions for acquaintance and cooperation between potential change leaders and experts in the development of territories, government representatives, as well as future participants of change teams;
  4. Contribute to gaining experience in designing changes and updating the value of contributing to their small homeland and place of permanent residence in the audience of the Competition.**
Terms of the Competition
The competition is held in several stages, namely:
  1. Collection of Applications for participation in the Competition — from July 1 to August 1, 2020;
  2. Conducting consulting webinars for participants of the Competition — from August 1 to September 1, 2020 (for those. if you can’t attend the webinar online a video recording will be available);
  3. Participants create a Competition project and submit it to the organizing Committee for evaluation by the Competition Commission (Jury) from September 1 to November 1, 2020.
  4. During the period specified in clause 3.1.3., every 2 weeks online webinars are held for participants from representatives of Partners and members of the Competition Commission.
  5. The work of the Competition Commission (Jury) — from November 1 to December 1, 2020;
  6. Announcement of winners — no later than December 15, 2020;
  7. Awarding of the winners on January 15, 2020;
  8. Organizational, informational and methodological support of the Contest participants — from June 1 to November 1, 2020.

The competition Features

1. The Competition allow the participation of citizens of the Russian Federation who have lived on the territory of a small city or a rural settlement for at least five years and have the experience of moving to a large city for work or study.

2. In the framework of the Competition, a town is understood as a city with a population of up to 100 thousand people, mainly employed in industry, service, etc.. A rural settlement means a locality where the majority of its inhabitants are engaged in agriculture and have a personal household. A metropolis is a city with a population of more than 100 thousand people. (на первом листе написано 50 тыс)

3. Application submission is organized in electronic form on the Competition website and is accepted no later than the deadline specified in the Regulation.

4. The submitted application is not the subject of the Competition. By submitting an application, participants Express their readiness to submit a properly executed project to the Competition Commission after consultation in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations.

5. Projects previously published in the media, materials from the Internet, materials containing plagiarism, as well as quotes without reference to the authors are not allowed to participate in the Competition. Participants of the Contest are solely responsible for copyright infringement of third parties.

6. During the Competition, the organizing Committee will provide constant organizational and methodological assistance to participants.

7. Information about the Competition, criteria for evaluating Competitive projects, and the composition of the Competition Commission is publicly available and known in advance to all participants.
Requirements for submitted Competitive projects
Competitive projects should cover issues that are relevant to a small town or rural settlement and suggest ways to solve them.
Participants choose one of three categories: "Strategy", "Creative" or "Fiction".

The project in the "Strategy" category is presented in the form of a presentation containing a description of changes in one or more areas:
  1. settlement mission by 2030 (with a breakdown of stages and expected social impact by year)
  2. community management system
  3. ecology
  4. local communities
  5. infrastructure
  6. economic activity
  7. education
  8. medicine
  9. cultural life, leisure, sports

The project in the Creative category is one of the areas of creative work:
  1. territory branding
  2. public space design project
  3. design project of a social or cultural institution (hospital, school, museum, etc.)
  4. cultural heritage property revolutionary project
  5. concept of a digital product or service for a territory
  6. local mass media concept

The project in the category "Fiction" is a work of fiction about the future of a small city or rural settlement and is presented in one or more formats to choose from:
  1. fiction / journalistic text
  2. comic book
  3. map (static or interactive)
  4. video (up to 3 minutes)
  5. presentation
  6. web page
  7. interactive project (VR / AR / XR, other)
  8. concept art

An explanatory note is attached to the Competition projects, taking into account the following aspects:
  1. Description of the current situation in a small town or rural settlement that is the subject of a Competitive project
  2. Motivation of the project author to develop this particular project
  3. The expected effect for the region: who will win, who will lose, what scale of changes, resource estimation.
Procedure for the formation and work of the Competition Commission (Jury)
  1. The competition Commission (Jury) is created for the purpose of evaluating and selecting the best Competition projects in three categories and determining the winners who took 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in each of the categories.
  2. The Jury consists of at least three experts in each category.
  3. The main Jury is determined no later than may 1, 2020, and the list is published on the Competition’s website The main staff can be supplemented until the end of the Competition projects acceptance on August 10, 2020.
  4. Evaluation of Competitive projects is carried out by the Competition Commission remotely on the closed online platform of the Competition.
Evaluation Criteria for Competition Projects
For the Strategy category:
1st criterion- "The Problem Statement"
— indicator "Relevant and significant for the socio-economic sphere of the region"
— indicator "Logical completeness and integrity of the wording"
— indicator " Interesting for the General public (according to the data of public organizations in the region or based on the analysis of regional media)"
2nd criterion — "The Preliminary Analytics"
— indicator "The Depth of the research"
— indicator " quality of working with data"
3d criterion — "The Public Engagement"
— indicator " Quantity and quality of contacts with the target audience during project development"
4th criterion — "The Visual Design"
— indicator " presentation Quality"
5th criterion — The Socio-economic Impact"
— the indicator "Depth forecast"

For the Creative category:
1st criterion- "The Problem Statement"
— indicator "Relevant and significant for the socio-economic sphere of the region"
— indicator "Logical completeness and integrity of the wording"
— indicator " Interesting for the General public (according to the data of public organizations in the region or based on the analysis of regional media)"
2nd criterion — "The Preliminary Analytics"
— indicator "The Depth of the research"
— indicator " Quality of working with data"
3d criterion — "The Public Engagement"
— indicator " Quantity and quality of contacts with the target audience during project development"
4th criterion — "The Visual Communications"
— indicator "Compliance of design solutions with functionality"
— indicator "Style unity"
— indicator " Originality and innovation of the idea"

For the "Fiction" category:
1st criterion- "The Problem Statement"
— indicator "Relevant and significant for the socio-economic sphere of the region"
— indicator " Logical completeness and integrity of the wording"
2nd criterion — "The Preliminary Analytics"
— indicator "The Depth of the research"
— indicator " quality of working with data"
3d criterion — "The Artistic Value"
— indicator "Originality of design"
— indicator " Skill of the execution"
Prize Fund and Awarding of winners
The winners who will take the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places will be defined in each nomination and will receive:

# 1_ Certificates with a face value of 300,000, 200,000 and 100,000 rubles, allowing you to get support in the further development and development of projects based on the HSE.
#2_ Recommendation to submit projects on the forums "Tavrida" and "Territory of Meanings".
# 3_ Recommendation for the submission of projects to the executive authorities of the region.

Organizers have the right to supplement the prize fund until December 15, 2020 inclusive.
Personal data of the contest participants
The use of personal data of the Contest participants is carried out in accordance with the requirements of Federal law No. 152 of 27.06.2006 "On personal data".
Contact information of the Contest Organizers
Members Of The Organizing Committee:

Sergey Dolgov
Head of the organizing Committee, Founder of the WakeUp Project group

Olga Dolgova
The Competition coordinator responsible for the registration of applications and submission of projects

Maria Vlasova
Coordinator of the Jury