I explore and create social, environmental and technological changes that impact the daily lives of people, companies, communities and entire industries.

It help unlock human potential, create living spaces, introduce a culture of transformation,

change thinking towards balanced self-realization for a better future.

Events that remain in the memory and heart
Remember what struck you the most over the past year? Most likely, the answer will be: people, technology, events. Individually, each of these entities can surprise and inspire us. But their mix is ​​a guaranteed combo! A high-quality forum today can be equal or even higher in level and impact than a show of a famous star.

So let's make a noise with you that will not be forgotten for a long time and will bring you fame and money!
We conduct strategic, project and foresight sessions to identify the company’s hidden potential and search for opportunities for technological breakthroughs that can impact the development of the organization in the medium and long term.
Digital tranformation
We design and conduct hackathons, makertons and creativeathons.

We help companies organize corporate accelerators and carry out scouting for promising startups.

We analyze technological trends and markets to formulate a digital transformation strategy and search for specific projects for investment and business cooperation.
Territory development programs
We help build a comprehensive system for identifying and developing the territory’s potential.

We involve youth, local communities and entrepreneurs in modeling the image of the future.

We gather a core of change leaders, organize participatory design and subsequent implementation.
We develop and describe worlds, legends and mythology for brands, ideas and people.

We tell your story through the concept of "HERO'S JOURNEY"
using interactive tools.

We help integrate products and services into the reality of investors and users.
We combine workflows and gaming tools, turning learning into a fun and creative activity.

We use gamification, immersive spaces and interactive content to create unforgettable experiences.
IT platforms and applications
We describe and develop the concept in detail to suit your objectives and the needs of the audience, using current edtech tools.

We create an interactive prototype that tests the hypotheses of the future platform and help implement communication with users
Consulting in building vision
and company development strategies
We help embed a culture of creative and motivating vision, vision and strategic thinking into your organization's DNA.
Revitalizing of business communications
We develop process transformation programs, agile retreats and live games for startups and corporate teams for a period of 2 to 48 weeks

  • within the company without interruption from work processes
  • away from the parent structure in order to develop new products and processes, unite and adapt new team members.
Second opinion
We conduct an expert assessment of existing communications in the short and long term.

We develop recommendations, a map of risks and opportunities.

Together with the team, we formulate roadmaps to strengthen the organization’s image and support changes at all required stages.
Branding, identity, naming
We create images that are filled with meaning and play with the user according to your rules.

We transform images into working products using digital tools and non-standard communications.

We help spark interest in your project and start a chain reaction of wow! recommendations.
Landscape analytics
We will explore with you areas that need rethinking - offices, industries, residential and cultural buildings, routes, parks, urban and natural landscapes.

We identify their unique resources, create a development plan, involve stakeholders and accompany the team to help show the space its strength.
Events with impact
We organize business and educational events, conferences and assemblies at your site or in a bootcamp format.

In any point of the world we prepare infrastructure, develop program for you, invite outstanding speakers, integrate stakeholders with local communities and run significant events.
Создаем карты виртуальных и физических пространств, существующих и воображаемых, внутренних и внешних, а также маршруты, психонавигаторы и путеводители по мирам.
We create complex digital solutions - from detailed technical specifications and design to commercial implementation and bringing the product to the market.

We put into operation complex solutions both for internal corporate use and for external users
Coaching for executives
We know what it means to be a leader. We listen to you and ask questions, the answers to which help you develop a holistic picture, understand the various facets and depths of the situation, find new solutions, act and change. All conversations are confidential.
Formation of teams for a task
What if your project was music? In what style, what roles and states would your employees play then? What does it take for a team to sound like a single organism?

We develop diagnostic tools and advanced gaming tests, identifying the potential of employees and change leaders.

We create a competency map and recommendations for increasing involvement and trust in the organization.

We predict the effectiveness of the team.
Events that remain in the memory and heart
Remember what struck you the most over the past year? Most likely, the answer will be: people, technology, events. Individually, each of these entities can surprise and inspire us. But their mix is ​​a guaranteed combo! A high-quality forum today can be equal or even higher in level and impact than a show of a famous star.

So let's make a noise with you that will not be forgotten for a long time and will bring you fame and money!
Territory development programs
We help build a comprehensive system for identifying and developing the territory’s potential, in which the university plays a leading role.

We involve youth, local communities and entrepreneurs in modeling the image of the future.

We gather a core of change leaders, organize participatory design and subsequent implementation.
We develop and describe worlds, legends and mythology for the university, its staff and students.

We tell the history of the educational institution through the concept "HERO'S PATH"
using interactive tools.

We help integrate myths and legends into the life of the university.
We combine workflows and gaming tools, turning learning into a fun and creative activity.

We use gamification, immersive spaces and interactive content to create unforgettable experiences.
IT platforms and applications
We describe and develop the concept in detail to suit your objectives and the needs of the audience, using current edtech tools.

We create an interactive prototype that tests the hypotheses of the future platform and help implement communication with users
We conduct strategic, project and foresight sessions to identify the company’s hidden potential and search for opportunities for technological breakthroughs that can impact the development of the organization in the medium and long term.
Digital transformation
We design and conduct hackathons, makertons and creativeathons.

We help organize accelerators and carry out scouting for promising startups for the development of territories.

We analyze technological trends and markets to formulate a strategy for the digital transformation of territories and search for specific projects for investment and business cooperation.
Second opinion
We conduct an expert assessment of existing communications in the short and long term.

We develop recommendations, a map of risks and opportunities.

Together with the team, we formulate roadmaps to strengthen the image of the territory and support changes at all required stages.
Branding, identity, naming
We create images that are filled with meaning and play with the user according to your rules.

We transform images into working products using digital tools and non-standard communications.

We help spark interest in your territory and start a chain reaction of wow! recommendations.
Landscape analytics
We will explore with you areas that need rethinking - offices, industries, residential and cultural buildings, routes, parks, urban and natural landscapes.

We identify their unique resources, create a development plan, involve stakeholders and accompany the team to help show the space its strength.
Events with impact
We organize business and educational events, conferences and assemblies at your site or in a bootcamp format.

In any point of the world we prepare infrastructure, develop program for you, invite outstanding speakers, integrate stakeholders with local communities and run significant events.
Participatory design with schoolchildren and career guidance
We involve children and teenagers as designers and full users of educational and urban spaces in the tracks of architecture, engineering, entrepreneurship, IT, design, urban planning and city management.

We integrate career guidance tools into the processes of project teams, within which schoolchildren, together with adults, form an image of the future of their district, university, or city.
Maps for figital spaces
We create maps of virtual and physical spaces, existing and imaginary, internal and external, as well as routes, psycho-navigators and guides to worlds.
Formation of teams for a task
What if your project was music? In what style, what roles and states would your employees play then? What does it take for a team to sound like a single organism?

We develop diagnostic tools and advanced gaming tests, identifying the potential of employees and change leaders.

We create a competency map and recommendations for increasing involvement and trust in the organization.

We predict the effectiveness of the team.
Events that remain in the memory and heart
Remember what struck you the most over the past year? Most likely, the answer will be: people, technology, events. Individually, each of these entities can surprise and inspire us. But their mix is ​​a guaranteed combo! A high-quality forum today can be equal or even higher in level and impact than a show of a famous star.

So let's make a noise with you that will not be forgotten for a long time and will bring you fame and money!
Participatory design with schoolchildren and career guidance
We involve children and teenagers as designers and full users of educational and urban spaces in the tracks of architecture, engineering, entrepreneurship, IT, design, urban planning and city management.

We integrate career guidance tools into the processes of project teams, within which schoolchildren, together with adults, form an image of the future of their district, university, or city.
Digital transformation
We design and conduct hackathons, makertons and creativeathons.

We help organize accelerators and carry out scouting for promising startups for the development of territories.

We analyze technological trends and markets to formulate a strategy for the digital transformation of territories and search for specific projects for investment and business cooperation.
Events with impact
We organize business and educational events, conferences and assemblies at your site or in a bootcamp format.

In any point of the world we prepare infrastructure, develop program for you, invite outstanding speakers, integrate stakeholders with local communities and run significant events.
Territory development programs based on the university
We help build a comprehensive system for identifying and developing the territory’s potential.

We involve youth, students, local communities and entrepreneurs in modeling the image of the future.

We gather a core of change leaders, organize participatory design and subsequent implementation.
We develop and describe worlds, legends and mythology for the university as the heart of the city and region.

We tell your story through the concept of "HERO'S JOURNEY"
using interactive tools.

We help integrate myths and legends into the lives of citizens.
Consulting in building vision
and regional development strategies
We help to introduce a culture of creative and motivating concepts, visioning and strategic thinking into the work of change leaders
Moderation and facilitation of community work. Organizational coaching
We organize strategic sessions on participatory design, involve stakeholders in the process and turn them into your partners.

We conduct value moderation of horizontal teams.

We help create an ecosystem of mutually beneficial relationships.
Second opinion
We conduct an expert assessment of existing communications in the short and long term.

We develop recommendations, a map of risks and opportunities.

Together with the team, we formulate roadmaps to strengthen the image of the territory and support changes at all required stages.
Branding, identity, naming
We create images that are filled with meaning and play with the user according to your rules.

We transform images into working products using digital tools and non-standard communications.

We help spark interest in your territory and start a chain reaction of wow! recommendations.
Landscape analytics
We will explore with you areas that need rethinking - offices, industries, residential and cultural buildings, routes, parks, urban and natural landscapes.

We identify their unique resources, create a development plan, involve stakeholders and accompany the team to help show the space its strength.
Maps of figital spaces
We create maps of virtual and physical spaces, existing and imaginary, internal and external, as well as routes, psycho-navigators and guides to worlds.
Formation of teams for a task
What if your project was music? In what style, what roles and states would your employees play then? What does it take for a team to sound like a single organism?

We develop diagnostic tools and advanced gaming tests, identifying the potential of employees and change leaders.

We create a competency map and recommendations for increasing involvement and trust in the organization.

We predict the effectiveness of the team.
Events that remain in the memory and heart
Remember what struck you the most over the past year? Most likely, the answer will be: people, technology, events. Individually, each of these entities can surprise and inspire us. But their mix is ​​a guaranteed combo! A high-quality forum today can be equal or even higher in level and impact than a show of a famous star.

So let's make a noise with you that will not be forgotten for a long time and will bring you fame and money!
We develop and describe worlds, legends and mythology for the university, its staff and students.

We tell the history of the educational institution through the concept "HERO'S PATH"
using interactive tools.

We help integrate myths and legends into the life of the university.
We conduct strategic, project and foresight sessions to identify the company’s hidden potential and search for opportunities for technological breakthroughs that can impact the development of the organization in the medium and long term.
Consulting in building vision
and company development strategies
We help embed a culture of creative and motivating vision, vision and strategic thinking into your organization's DNA.
Digital transformation
We design and conduct hackathons, makertons and creativeathons.

We help organize accelerators and carry out scouting for promising startups for the development of territories.

We analyze technological trends and markets to formulate a strategy for the digital transformation of territories and search for specific projects for investment and business cooperation.
Revitalizing of business communications
We develop process transformation programs, agile retreats and live games for startups and corporate teams for a period of 2 to 48 weeks

  • within the company without interruption from work processes
  • away from the parent structure in order to develop new products and processes, unite and adapt new team members.
Moderation and facilitation of community work. Organizational coaching
We organize strategic sessions on participatory design, involve stakeholders in the process and turn them into your partners.

We conduct value moderation of horizontal teams.

We help create an ecosystem of mutually beneficial relationships.
Branding, identity, naming
We create images that are filled with meaning and play with the user according to your rules.

We transform images into working products using digital tools and non-standard communications.

We help spark interest in your territory and start a chain reaction of wow! recommendations.
Coaching for executives
Мы знаем, что это значит - быть лидером. Мы слушаем вас и задаем вопросы, ответы на которые помогают проявлять целостную картину, осознавать различные грани и глубину ситуации, находить новые решения, действовать и меняться. Все диалоги конфиденциальны.
Formation of teams for a task
What if your project was music? In what style, what roles and states would your employees play then? What does it take for a team to sound like a single organism?

We develop diagnostic tools and advanced gaming tests, identifying the potential of employees and change leaders.

We create a competency map and recommendations for increasing involvement and trust in the organization.

We predict the effectiveness of the team.
Events that remain in the memory and heart
Remember what struck you the most over the past year? Most likely, the answer will be: people, technology, events. Individually, each of these entities can surprise and inspire us. But their mix is ​​a guaranteed combo! A high-quality forum today can be equal or even higher in level and impact than a show of a famous star.

So let's make a noise with you that will not be forgotten for a long time and will bring you fame and money!
Branding, identity, naming
We create images that are filled with meaning and play with the user according to your rules.

We transform images into working products using digital tools and non-standard communications.

We help spark interest in your territory and start a chain reaction of wow! recommendations.
Revitalizing of business communications
We develop process transformation programs, agile retreats and live games for startups and corporate teams for a period of 2 to 48 weeks

  • within the company without interruption from work processes
  • away from the parent structure in order to develop new products and processes, unite and adapt new team members.
Moderation and facilitation of team work. Organizational coaching
We organize strategic sessions on participatory design, involve stakeholders in the process and turn them into your partners.

We conduct value moderation of horizontal teams.

We help create an ecosystem of mutually beneficial relationships.
We develop and describe worlds, legends and mythology for your project.

We tell your story through the concept of "HERO'S JOURNEY"
using interactive tools.

We help integrate myths and legends into the lives of your clients and investors.
We conduct strategic, project and foresight sessions to identify the hidden potential of communities and search for opportunities for technological breakthroughs that can have an impact on the development of the environment in the medium and long term.
Consulting in building vision
and development strategies
We help to introduce a culture of creative and motivating concepts, visioning and strategic thinking into the work of change leaders
Second opinion
We conduct an expert assessment of existing communications in the short and long term.

We develop recommendations, a map of risks and opportunities.

Together with the team, we formulate roadmaps to strengthen the image of the territory and support changes at all required stages.
Landscape analytics
We will explore with you areas that need rethinking - offices, industries, residential and cultural buildings, routes, parks, urban and natural landscapes.

We identify their unique resources, create a development plan, involve stakeholders and accompany the team to help show the space its strength.
What if your startup is music?
Have you ever wondered what style, what roles and states would you all play in then? What does it take for a team to sound like a single organism and top the charts?

We develop diagnostic tools and advanced game tests to identify the potential of team members and help them realize it.

We create a competency map and recommendations for increasing engagement and trust, predict team performance, and create an HR brand for your company.